Mission Vishwakarma 2035

Mission Vishwakarma 2035 Logo.

We are on a mission to make India आत्मनिर्भर in engineering softwares by 2035.

Join us to improve the module useful for your field of expertise. This website is our home page. All the documentations and user manuals shall be added here. This website is developed like a book, where you can read chapter by chapter. In future we will have dedicated tutorial section as well. All the coding (software development) related design documents are also published here. It is free open source Made-In-India software.

Various modules of different disciplines are alphabetically listed below.

All Engineers
Drafting - 2D Drafting, Plotting, Base of Other Modules
Tables - Calculations, Tabulation and Reporting Sheet
Notebook - General Document and Reports

Chemical Engineers
P&ID - 2D Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams, Data-sheet Extraction
Reactor - Chemical Reactor Simulation, Data-sheet Extraction

Civil Engineers
Architecture - Modeling, Drawing Extraction, Photorealistic Rendering
Structure - Modeling, Analysis (Frame, Foundation), Code Checking, Drawing Extraction

Electrical Engineers
SLD - 2D Single Line Diagram, Data-sheet Extraction
Electrical - Modeling, Drawing Extraction

Electronics Engineers (HOLD)
Chip - Chip Design
Device - Plain Circuit Board Modeling, Design, Appliance Modeling

Instrumentation Engineers
P&ID - Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams, Data-sheet Extraction

Mechanical Engineers
Exchanger - Heat Exchanger Modeling, Code (ASME/API) Checking, FEM Analysis, Drawing Extraction, Data-sheet Extraction
Heater - Modeling, Analysis (Thermal, Structural), Drawing Extraction
Machine - General 3D Machine comprising everything, Manufacturing Drawing
Piping - Modeling, Analysis (Line, FEM), Isometric Extraction
Vessel - Pressure Vessel Modeling, Code (ASME/API) Checking, FEM Analysis, Drawing Extraction, Data-sheet Extraction

Common to all modules
Bill of Material
PDF / IFC / DXF Export
Revision Tracking
Local Files Handling
Data Server Handling
LAN / Internet Collaboration
Remote Analysis & Simulation
User Manual
Developer Manual
Python API, Web API

Current Status of Mission Vishwakarma
As on 2024, all modules are in planning stage and under preliminary design by Ram Shanker. This road is full of challenges. Technical and Non-Technical both. Once we have Minimum Functionality available in each of the modules, software shall be opened for general public participation and contribution of their improvement. Till than, all code behind this software may be considered property of my employer.